Finding Goodness After Loss

As a parent who has lost a child I never thought I’d find any goodness in life after the loss of my only daughter. When Melanie ran ahead to heaven I saw my world in only shades of gray and wondered if I’d ever really see the sunshine again. Although my coat of grief isn’tContinue reading “Finding Goodness After Loss”

Did I Do Enough

Since you’ve been walking along this grief journey I imagine at some point you asked yourself, did I do enough? Did you do all you could to help your loved one move from their disease to recovery? Did you do enough to offer support during their trials and tribulations? Did you do enough to guideContinue reading “Did I Do Enough”


This weekend my family and I traveled to the New England area to catch a glimpse of the Fall foliage. It was beautiful – the golden yellows meshed with bright oranges and vibrant reds on the trees were magnificent! If you have never been to that part of the country before put it on yourContinue reading “Faithfully”

Navigating Life After Loss

There was a time soon after Melanie ran ahead to heaven when I realized I had no choice but to push pause on my grieving. Unfortunately, the reality is when a person dies there is a myriad of important details which need to be handled. Funerals to be planned, people to be notified, insurance companiesContinue reading “Navigating Life After Loss”

The Road to Healing Begins with Normalizing Grief

Sadly, one of the most common things I’ve been told as I’ve walked this grief journey is this: “No one wants to hear about my loss, or how I feel anymore. No one wants to talk about grief.” Every time I hear this my heart breaks. Unfortunately, I understand all too well as there haveContinue reading “The Road to Healing Begins with Normalizing Grief”

With Great Loss Comes a Major Change of Perspective

Have you found that since the loss of your loved one the things that were once so important to you no longer are? I’ve come to learn that with great loss comes a major change of perspective. While talking with a friend over lunch last week we spoke about how our priorities and thoughts hadContinue reading “With Great Loss Comes a Major Change of Perspective”

Grief: The Price We Pay for Love

When researching grief there are hundreds of quotes to draw from, yet I believe there is none that so aptly describes it as this: This quote is from none other than Queen Elizabeth II who passed away last week at the age of 96. As a beloved leader for over 70 years, she certainly hadContinue reading “Grief: The Price We Pay for Love”

How Can We Survive the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

Hello my friends! Well, we just said goodbye to Labor Day and depending on where you live in the world, this is oftentimes the end of Summer as we begin to make our way into Fall. And whether we like it or not, it’s here again – time to plan for the holidays. How canContinue reading “How Can We Survive the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year””

International Overdose Awareness Day

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. Each year on this day I create a special post specifically dedicated to honor the memory of all those who were lost to overdose and the parents who are grieving them. My daughter, Melanie lost her life to the disease of addiction. Before that I never knew such aContinue reading “International Overdose Awareness Day”

Healing My Heart: Step by Small Step

A few years ago, I found myself walking a path no one ever dreams of taking– the grief journey due to child loss. Although death is part of the circle of life, child loss, which is an out of order death is particularly heart-breaking. When my daughter, Melanie ran ahead to heaven unexpectedly my heartContinue reading “Healing My Heart: Step by Small Step”

Times in Life We Never Forget

There are certain times in life we never forget.  Like the day you got married, or the day your children were born. Other times we never forget, but with a more solemn memory is the day our loved ones died. It was 45 years ago today that my dad was killed in a car accident.Continue reading “Times in Life We Never Forget”

What is Heaven Like? I Can Only Imagine

Since your loved one died have you found yourself thinking about heaven? I have to admit I never thought about it much … until my girl was no longer walking this earth. Once I could no longer see her with my natural eyes my wonder about heaven increased exponentially. Who will I see when IContinue reading “What is Heaven Like? I Can Only Imagine”

What Does Healing from Grief Really Mean?

One of the recent heartfelt questions I’ve been asked by other moms who find themselves on the grief journey is, will I ever get over this intense feeling of grief and sadness? Which has led to the next question: what does healing from grief really mean? There have certainly been times when I’ve asked myselfContinue reading “What Does Healing from Grief Really Mean?”

Knocked Down, But Not Knocked Out

I’ve often said that walking through the grief journey is like the ocean; it comes in waves. While that is still true, I’ve often felt more like a boxer in the middle of the ring, fighting for my life. Knocked down, but not knocked out! As I continue to move onward there are still momentsContinue reading “Knocked Down, But Not Knocked Out”

After Loss: Battling Worry and the What If Scenarios

It seems like I am continually learning lessons as I walk this grief journey.  One of those lessons is something I will freely admit I still struggle with. After loss, how can we battle worry and the what if scenarios that can plague our minds? Recently, it became very apparent to me that the traumaContinue reading “After Loss: Battling Worry and the What If Scenarios”

July – Bereaved Parents Month: Missing Our Child(ren)

The month of July has been designated as Bereaved Parents Month. As a parent who has a child who ran ahead to heaven, I believe there is never a time when we don’t miss our child(ren). Personally, I don’t think someone needed to designate a month on the calendar to remind me there is suchContinue reading “July – Bereaved Parents Month: Missing Our Child(ren)”

Are You Over Your Grief Yet?

Recently I was the guest speaker at an event and after it was over someone came up and asked me exactly that question: Are you over your grief yet? The question seemed to come from a pure place and seemed quite sincere, yet it momentarily took me by surprise. It’s been a while since someoneContinue reading “Are You Over Your Grief Yet?”

Searching for Hope During Loss

Have you ever lost someone you love? Have you found yourself on this dark, lonely road called grief, searching for hope during loss? From the moment I first heard the words, “your daughter Melanie is deceased” my life as I knew it was forever changed. If you have suffered an unexpected loss you know exactlyContinue reading “Searching for Hope During Loss”

Faith, Gratitude and My Dark Alley Friends

Soon after Melanie died a friend came by to visit. He brought me a beautiful gratitude journal. It was a very sweet gesture but if I’m honest, I thought it was an odd gift to give someone during this time. If I had been one of those cartoon characters on television where a “bubble ofContinue reading “Faith, Gratitude and My Dark Alley Friends”

The Dance of Grief

Every time I think about dancing I think of happy times, like dancing with my husband at our wedding. Or the fun times I had as a young girl attending the Friday night dances at church. But did you ever equate dancing with grief? I didn’t until recently. While watching an awards show on televisionContinue reading “The Dance of Grief”