Moving On or Moving Forward

I bumped into an old coworker I hadn’t seen in a long time. We began talking, and she told me about a relative who had suffered child loss. The loss had occurred over 30 years ago, and she was deeply concerned that her relative had not yet moved on. When she said this, she immediatelyContinue reading “Moving On or Moving Forward”


For anyone walking through the grief journey, tears are one of the many emotions we frequently exhibit. As I found out recently, I’m still capable of shedding buckets of tears due to the death of my daughter, Melanie. I’m not entirely sure why this year hit me harder than previous years, but I didn’t fightContinue reading “Tears”

Always Loved, Never Forgotten, Forever Missed

Today marks 4 years since Melanie ran ahead to Heaven. She will always be loved, never forgotten, forever missed. Time is a funny thing because it seems like yesterday and forever all at the same time. While all loss is hard, child loss is a loss like no other, and although I may never understandContinue reading “Always Loved, Never Forgotten, Forever Missed”


What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means different things to different people. It involves intentionally letting go of any resentment and anger you may harbor against another. Whatever the act was that hurt or offended you, it might always be with you, but working on forgiveness can lessen the grip it has on you.  It’s been aContinue reading “Forgiveness”

Will You Be Bitter or Better

There is no denying that walking through grief is one of the most complex roads we will ever travel. Dealing with loss and figuring out how to manage through the myriad of emotions can take down the strongest men and women. Due to your loss, at some point, there comes a time when we haveContinue reading “Will You Be Bitter or Better”

Where Do We Find the Strength to Go On

No matter how long a person has been on this road, there are days we still find ourselves on the struggle bus. I don’t know about you, but I dread those times when grief rears its ugly head once again. Recently, a friend told me how strong they thought I was. Inwardly, I heard aContinue reading “Where Do We Find the Strength to Go On”

A Delicate Balance of Life After Loss

It’s been many years since I’ve been to the circus, but I’ve often felt that managing grief is a little like being in the circus. It’s not the fun part with clowns, magicians, circus animals, and cotton candy. No, it’s more like being a tightrope walker. With grief, there is a delicate balance of lifeContinue reading “A Delicate Balance of Life After Loss”

Searching for Happiness After Loss

When our world is upended by loss, and grief seems to be the most prominent emotion, life can seem bleak. As grievers, we’ve all been there. We can’t even imagine being happy again. But, believe it or not, there does come a time when we begin searching for happiness after loss. Those early days ofContinue reading “Searching for Happiness After Loss”

Give a Little Kindness

There are times when I’m driving down the road I tend to get impatient. Have you ever found yourself running behind, and it’s at that exact moment when the person driving in front of you seems to be the slowest driver on planet Earth? This has happened to me more than once. However, since MelanieContinue reading “Give a Little Kindness”